Direct Download Link for 1UP Yours ep. 164
You all have no idea how much I would like to make my font size the largest, but hopefully my sentiments will speak louder than a mere size.
I cannot imagine my life without 1up Yours. I can't believe I've felt such an indescribable emotional connection with people I've never met before. I can't believe people who drink alcoholic beverages and have discussions about video games would so colossally spark my interest in writing and the video game industry as something that would be viable for me as a profession. It's unimaginable that the entire 1up Yours crew shaped the little, tiny voice inside my head that tells me what to write -- intelligent or otherwise illogical. So much of what I try to be as a person stems from the 1up Yours crew.
John -- blatant honesty
--His organic nature, his personality to enjoy life, and to not ever be totally invested in anything
Shane -- exaggerated expression; or maybe him just saying the word "Bombastic", while emphasizing every syllable of the word
-- Definitive personality
-- Obstinance
Garnett -- his logic and sense (Which is not to denounce Garnett for his typically refutable opinions, but rather his excellent problem solving)
Luke -- nothing, because there's no way I'll ever be as funny as Luke
And all the other numerous guests have contributed in ways I'm sure I'm not even aware of
You all have no idea how lucky you are to be a part of the 1up Yours crew.I'm grateful I was born when I was, and coincindence had it that I would stumble upon 1up Yours as I did, and listen to what would be the greatest podcast in the history of radio shows.
Breathtaking ending. If only I knew people who felt as enthusiastically about games and 1up Yours as I do. Thank God there's boards though. But there is one very integral aspect missing from the boards -- your voice. Text only tells a fraction of what someone feels, and that's why what anyone may say on the internet can so easily be mocked, as anything can be interpreted a number of ways drastically divergent of the intention.
Finishing that final episode felt like finishing a great novel, filled with many twists and turns, and very deep-seeded relationships that will last a lifetime -- thank God there was a podcast made to capture all the magic.
I think this is why I want to be in the gaming industry. I want to discuss games in this sort of fashion. Whether I play "devil's advocate" or truly feel compelled to voice my argument, I love talking about games and most likely always will.