My sister Jessica is quite possibly the most repulsive human being I have encountered throughout my 17 years of life. She never listens. Astoundingly, at 15 years of age, she cries to this day in order to get what she wants from mommy and daddy. She is utterly immature, and represents all that I detest, and rarely any qualities that I admire.
Jessica has decided at an early age to cope with her misfortunes through incessant moaning and whining. How this would solve anything in a normal household, I know not. I mention 'household', as without our own, Jessica may have as well went on to carry out a normal life. Oh dear, did that not happen.
Instead, Jessica went about living her life each day, pushing the boundaries of acceptability to the point where both my parents deem dealing with her is beyond possibility. But in my case, I've lived my life by both my mother and father's morals, happily doing the tasks asked of me, while proactively disciplining myself, and keeping my distance from irresponsibility, disregard, egotism, neglect, and becoming the stereotypical teenager whom is aptly familiar with messy rooms, sloppiness, beer, loud music, a short attention-span, (potentially) drugs, and a generally outrageous lifestyle.
To my humble understanding, Jessica has always been the way she is today: self-serving, egotistical, selfish, materialistic, and highly superficial. Ever since age three, it may have been Jessica that had begun this never-ending battle of sibling rivalry that has been brewing for the duration of my adolescent life by a simple hit.
Jessica was never afraid to say what she wanted or do what she wanted. Most speeches depict this quality as being a positive characteristic to have, but to the contrary, in this context, that could not be less true.
By the age seven and five, (it's important to note that I'm older by two years), constantly, we would end up in some sort of yelling argument or even physical fight. In fighting, I would handily win. In yelling, her incessance would overwhelm me, as she would employ a diplomatic use of ignorance, blabbing the phrase, 'Shut up' over and over again. And in confrontation, with mother and father "involved", to Jessica's dismay, I would rightfully assume the benefit of the doubt.
This trustworthiness I developed came about to me through years of refinement. I would show my parents how Jessica would be lying by having them witness the given issue for themselves. This gave rise to my parents' regard of my sister as somewhat as an outsider; rarely selfless, with little positive contributions to family discussions, or even her conspicuous absence at family ocassions.
I'm not exactly certain where to derive the unpleasant characteristics Jessica demonstates to this day, be it a Barbie-themed psyche (mindset) ripped straight from the 1990s, thrown in with a hefty mix of childish feminism, or a concoction created by none other than Jessica herself.
Specifically, Jessica exemplifies a Machiavellian approach in life in that the means taken to achieve a given goal do not concern her to the slightest; but rather, whether or not in fact the objective is met.
In past instances when I have been experiencing the slightest degree of enjoyment while in either Jessica's presence, or in the same car as her, she immediately retorted a rude and stolid response, forbidding me to enjoy whatever it was that was fixating me, or to keep quiet. (I think this might have been to prevent her ego from errupting)
Jessica shows how little she cares for most other people, and her family in particular, as nearly every activity she has performed has in some way benefited herself. Take for example, service hours. Service hours were more or less the Catholic school equivalent to Juvenile Delinquency, yet in this case, unfortunately, everyone must partake. Sure, giving and helping others is a great concept. But when aiding another human being is compulsive, the incentive of the good feeling that only comes from helping someone with a full heart and open hands is sadly abused.
Theoretically, Jessica completed her 20 required service hours with a smile on her face, and true sincerity in order to graduate eighth grade, but in reality with little genuine intention to help others in dire need.
Considering Jessica's circumstance being brought up, with a royal mother, and a compulsive father, may have understandably influenced the person she has turned out to be today.
My kingly father has stopped at nothing to please Jessica's worldly desires, and even now has still carried that tradition into Jessica's adolescent years. By raising a child who is led to believe he or she can have whatever he or she may want by not only not working for it, not asking for it, not thanking for it, nor even remotely acknowledging the giver of the gift, that child will assume he or she bears an aristocratic position in society, and that most other people are "lesser", as they are the ones who are burdened with using words like "Please", or "Thank you".
Although to be fair, the silver lining in Jessica's highly discriminant sense of kindness, she is what appears to be 'kind' to those whom she identifies as her "friends". Which brings an interesting point: whenever in a heated verbal battle, by the mere fact that I may not invite or play with friends as frequently as her, she inevitably claims 'No one likes you' to sweeten, or rather, bitter, as it were, the deal.
As my father claims, when in a verbal battle, if I were to not object to a challenge made by Jessica, such as "I'm a better driver", or 'I'm more intelligent', Jessica would use that as a quick self-esteem builder. But had I taken offense to the remark, commenting equally as rudely as Jessica's initial insult, an argument would duly arise.
5. Dezember 2009
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